Initiatives for health

Project details

Title: Joint initiatives for developing health and sustainability in the region Sighetu Marmatiei - Rakhiv
Acronym: "Initiatives for health"
Financing program: Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020
Priority: 8.2 - Support for health development
Project indicative: HUSKROUA 1702/8.2/0106
Project budget: 982,878.41 €
European funds: 884,590.56 €
Starting date: 10/1/2019
Finishing date: 9/30/2020
Project status: Completed

European Union

Co-financed by the European Union


Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020


City hospital of Sighetu Marmatiei – Leader

District Hospital of Rakhiv – Partner

Project summary

General objective

Increase diagnosis capacity and medical intervention in Maramures and Zakarppatia

Specific objectives

1. Increase the amount of medical equipment with 44 pieces of medical equipment (for the City Hospital of Sighetu Marmatiei and the District Hospital of Rakhiv) for the following sections: Obstetrics-gynaecology, Neonatology, Radiology, Ophthalmology;
2. Improve professional abilities of 60 medical staff members from obstetrics-gynaecology, neonatology and infectious diseases sections from both hospitals, which will take part in specialised trainings: neonatal intensive care, infectious diseases associated with pregnancy and new-borns, pre-natal and post-natal care;
3. Increase awareness among couples (200 people) about the highlights of being a parent (couples that are going to have a baby, are about to have a baby or already have a new-born baby).

Main activities

I. Part 1 of the project – Acquisition of equipment
During the project medical equipment worth €850,923.60 in total is going to be purchased: €446,773.60 – City Hospital of Sighetu Marmației and €404,150.00 – District Hospital of Rakhiv.
• The City Hospital of Sighetu Marmatiei will purchase 38 pieces of medical equipment for Obstetrics-gynaecology, Neonatology and Radiology
• The District Hospital of Rakhiv will buy 6 pieces of medical equipment for Obstetrics-gynaecology, Neonatology, Radiology, Ophthalmology

II. Part 2 of the project – training programs
Three joint trainings are going to be organised, in synergy with the purchased medical equipment, thus modernizing the targeted sections. In total, 60 medical staff members will benefit from these training programs, 30 from the City Hospital of Sighetu Marmatiei and 30 from the District Hospital of Rakhiv.

II.a) Trainings in Sighetu Marmatiei:
II.a) 1. Pre-natal and post-natal care
This training program is addressed to two target groups. The first day is based on information and necessary tools for auxiliary medical staff (medical assistants and nurses), while the second day is dedicated to gynaecology and neonatology doctors and medical assistants, in the workshop “Magical Hour” – Essential good practices in the first hour of life of a new-born.
II.a) 2. Neonatal resuscitation and vital functions monitoring
In this activity, participants will be presented some theoretical information as well as practical exercises on dummies, focusing on the first day on neonatal resuscitation techniques and on the second day, on vital functions monitoring.
II.b) Trainings in Rakhiv:
II.b) 1. Cooperation in the area of infectious and epidemiologic diseases associated with pregnancy and new-born babies

The participants will be medical staff members from Obstetrics-gynaecology, Neonatology and Infectious Diseases sections. The training will be transdisciplinary, presenting key concepts regarding the pathogenesis of infectious diseases during pregnancy and of the new-born baby

III. Raising awareness regarding pregnancy and new-born care among the people of Sighet-Rakhiv region (2 identical events, 1 in Sighetu Marmatiei and 1 in Rakhiv)
The target group consists of couples that are going to have a baby, are about to have a baby or have a child less than a year old. The event is going to last for one weekend in each city, in July 2020. The estimates are for 100 people/event (200 in total).
The first day is addressed to couples that are planning to have or expecting a baby (pregnant women), consisting of theoretical information and practical applications useful for making the pregnancy easier: breathing exercises, massage, etc., as well as information on birth. 50 people are expected to come on the first day/city. The second day is focused on less than a year-old baby care. The participants will also get a gift box (for pregnant women or baby cosmetics and helpful tools).

Expected results

• Purchase of 44 medical equipment pieces;
• Training of 66 medical staff members from the two hospitals.